Over the years mediation has become the preferred way to solve conflicts and prevent family disputes, especially when divorce and children become involved. When two parties come to an agreement after a fare negotiation, family's often are able to restore communication, understanding and trust.
What can family mediation do for you?
- Family Mediation helps you resolve conflict and reach agreement on all issues surrounding separation, divorce or dissolution of civil partnership.
- It is a voluntary and confidential process which helps you reach joint decisions without the use of courts.
- It offers you a safe, neutral place where you and your ex-partner can meet with an impartial mediator to work out plans for the future.
- Mediators do not tell you what to do, but help you look at different options for sorting things out, so that you reach your own agreements about all aspects of your separation, divorce or dissolution, including arrangements for children, finances and property.
Do you need family mediation?
- Mediation is open to anybody affected by family breakdown including separation, divorce and dissolution of civil partnership.
- It is mostly used by parents or couples who are experiencing difficulties agreeing arrangements, regardless of age, race, nationality, sexuality, orientation, mobility, faith and other such factors.
- Mediation is also available to other family members, such as grandparents, who may be having difficulties over contact arrangements, or step-parents who would like to support their new partner.
Cape Mediators are professionals with a wealth of skills and experience in family mediation and conflict resolution. We deliver mediation at the highest accredited standard – If you are seeking mediation please click here and fill in the form.
Contact Cape Mediators today!