Basically all conflicts in the workplace
can be dealt with using mediation, as long as the people involved are willing
to come to an agreement.
But, what workplace situations are so
serious that mediation is well-advised?
Sexual Harassment
It is often assumed that people who are
involved in a sexual harassment dispute cannot work together to come to an
agreement. However most sexual harassment complaints happen when people cannot
agree on what is funny and what is offensive. If the parties are actually
willing to sit down and talk to each other, a mediator can help resolve the
issues and come to a peaceful solution. This in turn will save employee
relationships and avoid expensive lawsuits.
Conflicts between Employees
Everyone is different, and sometimes these
differences can prevent two people from working effectively together. Should
the company need these employees to work together as a team without conflict,
then mediation can be an effective solution. Mediation will give them a change
to come to an agreement and allow them to function together harmoniously in the

Declining Work Performance
An employee may stop working well for a lot
of reasons, however when they are questioned about it they may become defensive
and scared which in turn results in their work performance declining further.
By contacting a mediator, they can help both parties to understand each other’s
needs, requirements and requests.

-- Terminations
Mediation is an alternative way to resolve
conflicts, such as landlord/tenant resolution, labour and contractual disputes,
and divorce settlements.
Be sure to contact Cape Mediators today: email or
give us a call on 082 422 3324 to book your session.
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