In almost everything community there is a rule about certain
unnecessary and unreasonable levels of noise.

But what happens when you encounter a neighbour that is a
bit noisier than the rest? Whether it is loud music playing at night, small
children screaming excessively or whatever, here’s what to do about a neighbour’s
Talk. It’s plain and simple, the best thing you can do is go
over and have a civil conversation instead of shouting at each other over the
wall. If you feel uncomfortable going over, write them a polite note and leave
it in their post-box.
Give a warning. If the noise continues, send them a copy of
the local noise ordinances and keep a copy for yourself.
Mediation. If you’d like to keep a good relationship with
your neighbour, mediation is a great way to sit down and chat and work things
out in a civilized manner. Contact Cape Mediators for affordable mediation
services in Cape Town.
Call the police. If nothing works, then your last solution
should be to call the police. Show them evidence of how you have tried to solve
the noise problem, but your neighbour continues to make a noise. Try to call
the police over at the time the neighbours are making a noise – if the police
take too long to respond, rather use your PatrolMan SOS button to summon help
to your location.

Noisy neighours is a common problem, so use this useful
advice to deal with the problem in the right way.
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