Thursday, 29 September 2016

Wedding Planning vs. Divorce Planning

Try not to say both of those in same sentence, please.

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Both wedding planning and divorce planning require copious amounts of collective input, the latter however is often void of the same collective involvement.

The latter, divorce, is seen as a “dirty” word. Divorce looks ugly, feels terrible and is rarely planned for, however it is a reality in many people’s lives including the little ones.

As with marriage, there is life after being single, so there is too life after divorce!

A mediated divorce allows both parties to own the process themselves and not hand their destiny over to lawyers and ultimately to the court to decide the final outcome. The environment created by mediation is conducive to seeking a mutual agreement whilst allowing the emotional standing of the parties to be processed. The mediation process has extremely positive healing attributes for life after divorce.

“I can’t deal with this”, “I’ve had enough” and “I just want this to be over with” are quotes that are heard far too often. Yes, you can sit back and just let the lawyers sort it out, but at what cost? And by cost, I am not talking solely about the financial aspect.

While the lawyers and busy lawyering, life goes on or both parties attempt for life to go on. In reality, all the emotions still prevail. Just managing to get through work and be productive is a challenge; this is a real concern and can place careers and businesses at a huge risk.

Transferring the underlying stress to other family members and loved ones is often unavoidable – this all comes at a huge emotional cost.

Conflict is destructive in any circumstance, so afford yourself the opportunity to attempt to resolve it in a peaceful manner (mediation) and you will be thankful for the rest of your life.

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Do you want to refer a dispute? Whether it be a divorce, labour dispute or landlord/tenant mediation - Contact Cape Mediators today!

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