Until such time as you have a dispute or are in conflict with your landlord...
You have a lease agreement; this agreement ensures that your rights are protected. However, a situation may arise where you feel aggrieved and decide that it is your time to act on it.
Contact is made with the Landlord, who does not share the view you have. In fact, your landlord inflames the situation by threatening your right of abode.
Firstly, within the agreement is there a clause relating to disputes? Most of the time – yes – but it really only provides for legal intervention at your expense. Even if you win the legal action you probably will not be awarded full costs.
A simple clause added will give you peace of mind that in the event of dispute or conflict the parties agree to mediate the matter. If a mutual agreement cannot be reached, the said matter can be referred to an arbitrator to make a ruling.
The mediation process costs are shared by the parties and the agreement is based on mutual acceptance thereof and not decided on a point of law.
Do you want to refer a dispute? Cape Mediators can help you out.
Email us mike@capemediators.co.za or give us a call on 082 422 3324