Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Planning your Wedding vs. Planning your Divorce

It’s basically a sin to say those both in the same sentence; however both require collective input as well as collective involvement.

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Divorce is seen as a dirty word. It is ugly, feels pretty terrible and is not usually as well planned for as a wedding, but it is a reality in many of our lives.

There is life after going through a divorce and we can assist you in going through the steps in the most peaceful way possible. Simple call Cape Mediators on 082 422 3324 or email mike@capemediators.co.za for reliable, affordable divorce mediation.

A mediated divorce allows both parties to own the process themselves and not hand their destiny over to lawyers and ultimately to the court to decide the final outcome, which can sometimes take a few long and painful years. Mediation allows both parties to seek a mutual agreement whilst allowing the emotional standing of the parties to be processed. The mediation process has extremely positive healing attributes for life after divorce.

 “I’ve had enough” and “I just want this to be over with” are quotes that are heard far too often. Yes, you can sit back and just let the lawyers sort it out, but at what cost?

You’ll lose precious years of your life as well as a lot of money while the lawyers are busy lawyering. In reality life goes on and emotions can run high, affecting your work life and productivity. Do not allow yourself to take this huge emotional risk, especially if you have little ones to worry about.

Conflict is destructive, no matter what the circumstances may be, so afford yourself the opportunity to attempt to resolve it in a peaceful manner (mediation) and you will be thankful for the rest of your life.

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